How do I create a segment of customers using a CSV file?

In this article we'll walk through how to target customers that were uploaded to PostPilot from a CSV file.

Once your CSV data has been uploaded into PostPilot you can use it as an audience for a campaign.

Step 1

First, go to the Segment section of your account. Click on New Segment.

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Step 2

Next click on Start Sending under the CSV Upload section.

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Step 3

Locate the file you wish to use to target your audience. Once you have located the file, click on Target to the right of the selection.

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Step 4

It's time to build your segment! Remember to name your segment and then use the segment filters below to further target your audience.

Step 5

Once you've selected a segment filter, click Refresh at the bottom of the page to see how many customers will be sent a card. When you're ready click Save to create your segment.

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